
Jan Černý

posted on 20 Jun 2000
In fat city with golden teeth,
You have to be here, but can’t breath
You used to rule here, now beware,
You are trapped on the main square

They keep you cold in small glass cell
You want to scream, but we can’t tell
You used to kill without any stud,
Hence formaldehyde is your blood

Your soulmate is worm in your eye
View is empty and iris dry
But worm doesn’t care, it’s already dead
Because your body’s poisoned

Its worse than hell, but you must stay
You are not victim, not a pray
You have stay here for all time long
Even by devil abandoned

This is your deserved eternal curse,
Forever imprisoned in this universe.
Your soul shall not find any peace,
You thought you can escape by decease
You are not even worthy to rot
Only painful scars and blood clots

You know well you are cursed and lost
Now you know too what cruel deeds cost
Maggots sorrow in your liver
They are thirsty, cold and shiver

You feel thousand stiches in your back
Teethless death wrinkles around your neck
Your weak skin has layers of wax
That’s just justice taking it’s dark tax

This is your deserved eternal curse,
Forever imprisoned in this universe.
Your soul shall not find any peace,
You thought you can escape by decease
You are not even worthy to rot
Only painful scars and blood clots

“you are dust and to dust you shall return”
Promised god before you’ve been spurn
Convicted for this eternal torment
Without any other chance to repent

This is your deserved eternal curse,
Forever imprisoned in this universe.
Your soul shall not find any peace,
You thought you can escape by decease
You are not even worthy to rot
Only painful scars and blood clots
Published under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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